A Lidl Decision with big Implications – UK High Court Finds that Tesco’s Clubcard Logo Infringes Lidl’s logo – IP Law Watch

A Lidl Decision with big Implications – UK High Court Finds that Tesco’s Clubcard Logo Infringes Lidl’s logo – IP Law Watch

In a recent decision, the High Court of England and Wales has found that Tesco’s use of the yellow and blue Tesco Clubcard logos (reproduced below) infringed Lidl’s trade marks (see the relevant Lidl marks below) and also gave rise

It’s Christmas – so it must be time for copyright reforms – IPwars.com

It’s Christmas – so it must be time for copyright reforms – IPwars.com

At long last and just in time for Christmas, the Communications Branch of the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications has published the long awaited exposure draft of the Copyright Amendment (Access Reform) Bill 2021 and – a

Southwest Florida businesses and residents protest DeSantis’s new immigration laws

Southwest Florida businesses and residents protest DeSantis’s new immigration laws

Thousands of Hispanic and Latino residents in Southwest Florida protested Gov. Ron DeSantis’s anti-immigration bill, which went into effect Thursday, with rallies, marches and work stoppages.

Waving flags from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and America, the Fort Myers Hispanic communities walked