Commissioners for His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs v SSE Generation Ltd [2023] UKSC 17 – UKSC Blog

Commissioners for His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs v SSE Generation Ltd [2023] UKSC 17 – UKSC Blog

SSE Generation Ltd, the respondent, claimed capital allowances on expenditure incurred when constructing a hydro-electric power station at Glendoe, Fort Augustus in Scotland. Such allowances may be deducted from income for the purpose of calculating a company’s trading profits subject

New York Rangers Award Law School Scholarship to Sandy Hook Survivor: ‘You’re Our Inspiration’

New York Rangers Award Law School Scholarship to Sandy Hook Survivor: ‘You’re Our Inspiration’

The surprise was presented after Thursday night’s Rangers versus Toronto Maple Leafs game at Madison Square Garden

Bruce Bennett/Getty

A survivor of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School mass shooting received a surprise from the New York Rangers on Thursday